A three days training programme on “Backyard Poultry Farming for Income Generation” was conducted from 3rd to 5th September, 2024 at the Poultry Farm of the institute. It was funded by TSP component of AICRP on Poultry Breeding. A total of 30 tribal farmers attended the three days programme. During the programme, trainees were made aware regarding housing, feeding, health management and vaccination of the Poultry birds. They were also demonstrated hygienic poultry slaughter and value addition of poultry meat in the Meat Processing Unit of the institute. During the programme a total of 1000 chicks of Vanaraja and Srinidhi were distributed among the farmers along with veterinary supplements. During the valedictory programme, the trainees thanked the Director of the institute and AICRP on Poultry Breeding for conducting such beneficial programmes for the tribal farmers of the state. Dr Sourabh Deori, Senior Scientist and Dr Rahul Katiyar, Scientist acted as Course Director for the training programme with active participation of Dr. P. R. Dutta, Dr. S. N. Abedin, Dr. Melody Lalhriatpuii, Mr. H. Lyngdoh, Mr. P. Bhattacharjee and other staffs of the Poultry farm.